
Ekim, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Established orthogonal analysis after October 29,2019_M6.6(SW of Davao)(Interesting Discoveries!!!)

Established orthogonal analysis after October 29,2019_M6.6(SW of Davao).Where,I detected a 10000 distance reality to event location by interesting condition as either  orthogonal to surface of Sun  and 12:00 as time!!!I intersected to South America Geoghraphy among other points by this points(You know that this geography among expressed characteristic locations)... For Schematic and Image presentations; Explanation     Projections by Explanation; Thus, Bayuda Meander Structure with Tahiti region are quite interesting And,Hotspots Regions which identified based on farscale analysis; Note. Especially,Tasmania and Rivera Micro Plate with Açores Triple Juction Region among Hotspots are identifying as quite clear

A alert condition for SW of Davao!!!

**Important Note.**  SW of Davao region_Evaluating as a Seismic Phenomana Location with actual news!!! (You know other  events with big Seismic event for  SW of Davao into neartime!!!); And,a summary with interesting big Magnitude development into similar location; So,thus I sign to chapters as some ground stability problems for region 

NewMadrid Seismic Impact Phenomena(1811-1812)

NewMadrid Seismic Impact Phenomena(1811-1812) is among most catastrophic seismic events into near history hinterland.Express starting date as Dec 16,1811 of this event.Thus,I realised a Planetary Analysis.Conclusions are really amazing; Main linearity condition(JUPITER-EARTH-MOON-MERCURY AND VENUS)!!! JUPITER POSITION; SATURN POSITION; MARS LINEARITY;

Mechanism of Weird Seismic Events for Mid-Asia Geography,Role as Supplementary&Complementary of My expressed thesis and others...

Detected seismic condition as out of standart for Mid-Asia Geography...Similarly,I can express to same condition for Aleutian Trench Geography; Thus,I concluded about role for a 10000 analysis into  globescale.By this analysis,Talas-Fergana Transform Boundary events with Main Pamir Thrust are signing a Geophysical Phenomena as a whole. Iceland&Reunion as my reference points during analysis corelated by actual news!!!This information can summary as supplementary&complementary to my expressed thesis about Iceland Geopgraphy-Mayotte Geography-Philipines Geopgraphy-Hawaii Geopgraphy-Antarctica Geography and SudAmerica Geography as maybe more important. In this conclusion,I see under a hotspot locationto Talas-Fergana Transform Boundary events with Main Pamir Thrust!!! You will evaluate that eight sunspot point thus subject.And next,other descriptions which among owners to  tectonic structure ; Aleurtian Trench Antarctica-Nazca-Pacific ...

Qualified Analysis Example via Plotly 3D Terrain Modelling

A example about interactive data analysis with Plotly(Created by Ideagora Geomatics) Qualified 3D Terrain Modelling has to important a role due to some chapters.Thus,example about high qualified elevation/bathymetric data production presents to structure information of isocurves with information of 3 point via cursor movement as interactive into .html domain Where,you will find to instructions about program; Firstly,established a "3D_Terrain" folder at Desktop.And next,adding to comma separated "Survey_data" file with program; import numpy as np import plotly.offline as go_offline import plotly.graph_objects as go #READING AND PARSING THE DATA file=open('C:/Users/Geo/Desktop/3D_Terrain/survey_data.csv','r') lines=file.readlines() n_line=len(lines) x=[] y=[] z=[] for i in range(1,n_line):     split_line=lines[i].split(",")     xyz_t=[]     x.append(float(split_line[0].rstrip()))     y.append(float(split_line[1].rstr...

About role of Earthquakes before considered explosiontype events(maybe a myth???)

Nevadosdechillán event quite terrifying by image; http://www.earth-of-fire.com/2019/10/activite-du-nevados-de-chillan-de-la-fournaise-et-du-sakurajima.html Thus,I realised a near period analysis; You see that Green Circle boundary is over NevadosdeChillán!!! And,2xM4.0 environment event into ~ circle boundary are subject!!! You know that express some chapters as  triggering of earthquakes before  interesting explosion activities.So,you understand... I mean that required material to some mechanism explanations for considered volcanism events thus is understanding I will wait thus to your apreciated replies... By the way,I think that first ~M4.0 magnitude(for boundary location) has to important a role  for considered structure of volcanism Other day,I see a event information; Thus,I think that region is quite powerful laboratory position  for solution of events based on Volcanism 

my big earthquake expectation as unpredictable period realised based on considering to accuracy by dayscale

 I carried-out  to prediction by dayscale of a M>6.0 event as different from predictable M6.0 environment as period!!!You know about my MeWe sharing into Big Earthquake Alerts part; And thus,23 caused to such a event,


I realised a 10000 distance analysis based on Mt.Etna...Orthogonal points; Juan de Fuca Plate  Indian-Antarctic Plate Boundary NZ Subduction Zone that Earthquake is subject You know that corelated by Mid America&Philipines!!! But,I have not considered to 1/8 analysis...Similarly,for hot points... In this projection,you can follow to some Earthquke events XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX I realised a analysis by my latest projection after Ascension M6.3 event.And,I observed to this event as ~ location among hotspots;

about role of Geophysical Phenomena based on Abused Ground chapter for Sandtype morphologies

Abused Ground or Örselenmiş Zemin as Turkish Transliteration reflects to Morphology of a region by degree of Natural Seismic Phenomena.In this mean,expressed Geophysical Phenomena at Iran Geographic Region is understanding as clearly confirmative example with morphologic condition among extreme examples of Abused Ground; So,A"sandtype morphology region" into a great corelation with expressed Geophysical Phenomena which supplier to Extreme Natural Seismicity thesis by Abused Ground chapter