
Eylül, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Example for Big Earthquake prediction of a Jerk point example as two invers event referenced

You know that StrangeSounds are among quite important researching fields as a important implication  before Big  Earthquakes...Again you know that sensed as Seismic but weird phenomenas as undetermined as coordinate  are subject for some geographies of World!!!(For example,You often hear to such news  for Mayotte) Also,Strangesounds are not only as inner structure originated of  Earth based on  Seismic also present to similar conditions  for outer part of Earth...You know that about some trumpet type news Where,I will handle a evaluation about  Mindanao M6.3 event as a summary of this explanations ; Event a And,Event b Where,you will evaluate that Event a reflects   to condition as a inner efffect sourced of Earth.Inversely,Event b summaries to condition as a outer sourced  of Earth  Distance between this two location reflects to 10000km condition.And next,I concentrated  to expressed reference poin...

A method expresses to transform elements by predictable M6.0 concept

Detecting to important horizontal movement locations that not only Earthquake researches also among important data for other various chapter...Where,my analysis example is summarying a good solution about caused structure to event by predictable M6.0 environment concept; My analysis conclusion with coordinate information is implying to transform element; And,I confirm to zone by very selective patern(red circle) with USGS querying for M>4.5 ;

Very interestingly,I took to information of a locations into possibilities during my 6.0 event prediction analysis

Very interestingly,I took to information of a locations into possibilities during my 6.0 event prediction analysis; Shortly,I constrained a distance between Nishinoshima-Hawaii Geography based on some news...this location into intersection of 2x10000 analysis from this two volcanism location is a indicator. XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX other intersection of this location is ~Cezayir Region.And,I informed about a M4.0 enviroment for this province; By the way,I suspect for Mid- Atlantic(N part) as other intersection location with S of Australia plate 

Alberta_Wells near Nose Mountain region

I observed a well production region as quite dense during my analysis.I can descript as E of Alberta-Nose Mountain as ~ to this region.My approach targets to intersecting to gas production regions as orthogonal...Clear informations for production about this region are not subject based on audiovisual sources.Thus,thanks for your informations  Ekrem Erkuş Geophysicist

Mollaaliler and Bozan structural elements_Summarying a gas source structure as Powerful

Mollaaliler and Bozan structural elements are quite interesting by chapters as Geologic Source potential!!! I framed to this linear elements... my experiments  with evaluating as  a reference to seismic event informations at this locations are  summarying to condition as a gas produced source as a whole.But,role of establising to some etudes will cause to most realist approach about  reality of regions

I wonder about a condition as censoring based on informations of some events

I realised a globe analysis based on latest events...Where,I catched a condition as realised of some weird conditions...And thus,I concluded a little bit censored of M6.1 Indianocean event!!! Fortunaltely,I observed as noncensored to Pakistan Event!!!thus; So,Some Events for Açores and Mayotte by Pakistan event are evaluating...For example,I shared for Mayotte into MeWe sharing; http://www.earth-of-fire.com/2019/09/actualite-de-white-island-du-karangetang-du-copahue-et-de-mayotte.html Thus,I have not any informations for Açores Geography Ekrem,Geophysicist XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX I absolutely can say with my Electroquake experiments that Marmara Event Location is a " amazing geologic source provinc e" by Hemisphere hinterland(I am not knowing to detailed information about spesifications of this source) Thanks... XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX By the way,you rembember to Shqiperia as interesting other location as swarmtype e...

Amazing a Geologic Source Province at Chile Region

I catched a Geologic Province which at W of Tupungatito Stratovolcano as NW-SE directed;

Pancake Range Province_causes of clear implication

Circle patern condition with a implication point as very clear at Nevada State is fixing to Geologic Source Province as a whole;

Summary of some Geologic Source Provinces

Mt.Ekecik_2136 m pick; İskilip region is quite interesting _I summaried as a frame;  By the way,a identified circle patern  by satellite data is among other interesting informations ; Tahtalaztepesi; Linearity between Mt Yama-KuyruksallamazHill; Geology environments express a condition among important geologic source provinces of this location.I confirmed during actual analysis to this condition; Karacadağ_Karapınar Province; DavrazTepe-2637 m pick; Göktünektepesi or Darımdağı Province ;

Borate Deposits are shaping by How a Geologic Progress?Explained

Borate Deposits are shaping by How a Geologic Progress?Answer of this question solutioned based on my analysis...As summary,Borate Deposits are reflecting a Geologic Source Province; Detailed map informations by a zooming for centre location;

Understanding to some realities about coalmining with mechanism explanation about shallow&powerful M6.0 environment events(additionally,causing issue to Earthquake of gas explosions)

Common characteristics of Predictable M6.0 environment events are reflecting  to collision zones of coriolis type forces  with vortex  development                    A vortex structure example A mechanism based on two inverse vortex structure by considering to Earth inner structure expresses by some environments which confirmed during  my actual analysis!!! Where,2x~5000 km distance that expressed to event location as a collision line of two coriolis type force is understanding.By this technique,I realised to add analysis...And,a 10000 distance from event location signed to Kianga(E of Australia).I intersected as orthogonal a huge coalmine field as very interesting!!! https://www.wikizeroo.org/index.php?q=aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi5tLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9Nb3VyYSxfUXVlZW5zbGFuZA Thus,I think that you informed about included to how risks with my explanation mechanism of coalmining Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...

Puerto Rico M6.0 is predictable a M6.0 environment event

https://watchers.news/2019/09/24/strong-and-shallow-m6-0-earthquake-hits-mona-passage-puerto-rico/ Big ratio of Geologists confused against this event...Because,realising of event at orthogonal a structure region is main cause of this condition... EXPLANATION This type shallow&powerful events are question mark for big part of especially Geologists.Geologists are focalising over main structures as Earthquake Sources.Thus,a little bit confusing against this type event locations is subject. As summary,this type Shallow&Powerful M6.0 environments are developing over orthogonal structure lines  to main zones.And,this events express as ordinary under routine a mechanism into predictable M6.0 environment events of Earth. XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX I observed a M6.0 environment event during preparation to thisblog; We can summary a condition as other orthogonal example to macro structure  as similar of this event;  Map shows to location of Sargo...

Kokrines Hills&Ray Mountains

Kokrines Hills&Ray Mountains are establishing  to indicators as a Geologic Source Province as clear...Characteristic element as most interesting for this province is Ruby Batholith!!! Some facts for Kokrines Hills&Ray Mountains;  https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi6obGOhOfkAhUBKuwKHaLWDaEQzPwBegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F229945647_Metamorphic_and_structural_history_of_continental_crust_at_a_Mesozoic_collisional_margin_the_Ruby_terrane_central_Alaska&psig=AOvVaw35fr7EvhZZoiE-DwTztFMJ&ust=1569331114927790 https://ucore.com/projects/ray-mountains-alaska

About Mediterranean Source,Central Adana&Ceyhan Joint

A patern work that not only a Geologic Source Province at Mediterranean also explain to some issues about Central Adana and important joint location of Ceyhan River; Note.Especially,a weird condition based on Physiographic data is understanding...mystery of this location will explain via maybe this blog information