
Nisan, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Ruang Selective Activity Again

  After more than twelve days since the last paroxysm episode, the volcano showed another very dramatic activity last night. At about 01:15 local time, a vulcanian-type explosion occurred from the summit, generating a grey ash plume towards the north. This could be considered as a precursor of the massive eruption, happening (highly likely) at the time of this update. At 02:35 local time, impressive incandescent lava fountains started to shoot into the sky. Continuous lava jets have been surpassing several hundreds of meters above the crater, towering pillars of glowing lava bombs and maybe even blocks have been landing onto the entire edifice and causing glowing avalanches. Some of pyroclastic material, visible in videos, falls outside the frame border, meaning that it reached considerable distances (greater than 2 km likely). Such high-magnitude explosive episode is known as paroxysm. The lava-fountaining episode has been associated with a huge copious grey ash emissions, rising ...

Explanation after M4.0 env event_SW TURKEY

 Firstly,I must say that USGS and KRDAE are descripting different locations; distance ~5.25 km                   KRDAE Data say correlation to morphologic structure region; USGS Data express karstic morphology land as correlated to waterbody field dbase; Also,signing "a condition related to Karstic Depression of Earthquakes by USGS data" as a whole karstic characteristics of this lake with W position of Lake Yazır

Cause of bubble phenomens for deep sedimentary lands

Expressing phenomens as selective methane bubble releasing for sometimes some deep sedimentary fields. I can say referencing my working experiments as cause of this type phenomens that  carrying-out threshold levels for bacterial activation with suitable conditions of focus structures.Thus,we witness bubble phenomens for selective extensions.Such a example on neartime frame; https://www.su.se/english/news/extensive-methane-gas-leakage-from-the-deepest-seabed-of-the-baltic-sea-1.676591?cache=76/physics Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY

Note.Selective conditions based on E Flux and Magnetometer Data


Karstic Morphology Land-Selective Seismic Event


Location description after seismic events of Feb6

I discussed an analysis on experiments with seismic events of Feb6(Where, I can summary a condition identifying for W Toprakhisar on some experiments(MeWe platform informations) after Feb6 with seismicity distribution of last 30days);  

NOTE.Magnetometer data summary selective progress conditions


A frame explanation about how discussed for fields as big seismic event potential of temperature chapters on earth-space system concept

  We can summary a condition as completing of worst conditions as atmospheric with ending of unstable space temperature conditions as range. Documenting as statistical expressed most selective times intermsof big seismic event potential for Earth of such conditions.  Establishing important solutions based on time for big seismic events focusing to this approach... Best Regards Ekrem Erkuş/TURKEY Geophysics Engineer

Ruang(Selective News)

  A new eruption commenced at the volcano a shortly after midnight today. The eruption has been accompanied by a vigorous lava-fountaining episode, known as paroxysm, generating copious ash plumes and lava flows. The eruptive event has (likely) lasted for the entire night until at least dawn, judging from the video on social media when the volcano was still producing ash-laden plumes. An incandescent material, such as lapilli and lava bombs, has been thrown to an approx. height of 100 meters above the crater, causing glowing avalanches. In addition, some details from images circling on social media indicate a presence of lava flow tumbling down the eastern flank, although this detail has yet to be confirmed by the local volcano observatory. Constant ash emissions have been releasing fine-grained volcanic ash to about 500-600 meters above the summit vent. Therefore, the PVMBG local observatory raised the alert level for the volcano to Level III. In order to mitigate the current risk...

Note.Magnetometer Data summary selective progress conditions


Abant Region Trip
