
Şubat, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System

  I sign to correlation about an impact structure with some coastal geometries of central location~;

Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System


Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System


Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System


Geometric Solution after M 6.3 - southern East Pacific Rise

M 5.5 - 182 km NW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea M 4.7 - Mariana Islands region M 4.7 - Kuril Islands M 5.1 - Kuril Islands M 5.5 - 182 km NW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea M 4.9 - South Sandwich Islands region M 4.9 - South Sandwich Islands region M 5.1 - 12 km WNW of Chazuta, Peru M 5.1 - 37 km SSW of Chimbote, Peru M 4.6 - 127 km NNE of Neiafu, Tonga M 4.8 - 127 km SSW of Hihifo, Tonga M 4.6 - 109 km SSW of Hihifo, Tonga M 4.9 - Vanuatu region M 4.8 - south of the Fiji Islands M 5.1 - Kuril Islands M 4.7 - Kuril Islands M 5.4 - 82 km WSW of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea M 5.1 - 118 km ESE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea M 4.9 - South Sandwich Islands region M 5.0 - 293 km ENE of Lospalos, Timor Leste

Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System


Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System


Magnetometer Data-Selective Disturbance Information


Informations to needs of some geoenvs about Unavco IDV

  Unavco IDV(Integrated Data Viewers) is very productive for various geoenvs with other modelling solutions based on Seismology&Geodynamics.I share on needs of some environments to link informations including user guide,installation procedure and main disciplines; https://www.unavco.org/software/visualization/idv/IDV_for_GEON_howto.html https://www.unavco.org/software/visualization/idv/UNAVCO_IDV_download.html https://www.unavco.org/software/visualization/idv/UNAVCO_IDV_data_types.html

UAV magnetics-Other useful application field

 An unavoidable event witnessing to problems as collapse/subsidence of wellfield with operation conditions for various well.As a continuation of these situations,with or without casing,shutting down well on a type plug operation including metal.After application,losting surface visibility with natural processes presumably plugged land.Suggesting as Geophysicist magnetics on "unmanned air vehicle" example as applicable solution of actual times against to thesetype cases. Infolink about performance; https://www.google.com.tr/imgres?imgurl=x-raw-image%3A%2F%2F%2F51492c4aad80029863dab8dda6bb595f00ba0f69a9a75076f99c7357f50b138c&tbnid=mAKArUosSVEa0M&vet=12ahUKEwjCv_aIvK-EAxUEqf0HHXnLB8UQMygQegUIARC4AQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fiogcc.ok.gov%2Fsites%2Fg%2Ffiles%2Fgmc836%2Ff%2Frobert_lowe_iogcc_1.pdf&docid=l7Wo8D4a1PnUpM&w=574&h=400&itg=1&q=orphaned%20and%20abandoned%20wells%20aeromagnetics&hl=tr&ved=2ahUKEwjCv_aIvK-EAxUEqf0HHXnLB8UQMygQegUIARC...

My explanations after seismic event of S Yayladağı

 We witnessed to news for S Yayladağı(M4.2).On individual evaluations,this event is expressing a condition related to NEastern-SWestern Transform Structure(Summarying as ordinary condition to activation of thistype transform structure after first big magnitude event at region.So,no any problem for progress.At this point,I added as supplementary your attention a presentation); https://youtu.be/CnJn1BCOSCk?si=mO5oo_zHZ3DtTURg Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer

Note as a conclusion of experimental working efforts

 We can express 'Northern Tiran Geography' among most important polar points of globe as a triple junction geography discussing by equiwideangle concept😐 Update: I evaluate Acıpayam-Honaz-İnceler Region of Turkey among similar focus regions Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer

Merapi News

  The eruptive activity of the volcano continues. Near-frequent and sporadic strong vulcanian-type explosions occur from its summit crater. At about 13:00 local time, an increasingly spectacular dense ash plume was seen rising from the crater. A height of the ash plume is unknown so far, and was not reported neither the VAAC Darwin nor the PVMBG volcano observatory. f the flux of magma continues to accumulate in the volcano's conduit, a likelihood of higher magnitude explosive eruption increases associated with glowing lava bombs, lapilli and dense ash emissions within a 4.5 km radius from the Verbeek Crater. The alert level for the volcano remains at Level III (Siaga) since 11 January.

Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System


Explanation about chapter of 5 period based on 60 years by Traditional China Calendar

You must attend to startdate,enddate and heavenly branch on wiki information; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_(zodiac) Where,you will witness to same sub-type by 60 years.And,there is a changing for main group based on 12 years At this point,we understand a transition from different  type creature sub-type to fourth dragon type(wood dragon) by heavenly branch Update 2/12: 365*60=21900~22000(this value is acquaintance for various environment) You will remember a reference condition of 22000 years for last iceage glaciation!So,ancient fareast calendar  by lunar principle has a role based on TEMPERATURE ANOMALIES👍 At this point,a publication; https://www.visualcapitalist.com/stunning-graphic-earths-temperature-22000-years/ Yes,I suggest researches about fareast lunar calendar literature for chapters related to this with temperature anomalies  Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer

Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System

  Note.Cobourg region has to some peninsula morphologies.In this mean,we can express interesting condition for trough of Croker Island

An analysis of latest solar developments(What did we experience?)

  Firstly,I sign to XR fluxdata of GOES; Next,to Pflux and Magnetometer timeseries of GOES;

Location Informations on Instant Solar Orthogonal Plane System
