
Aralık, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

My model suggestion for volcanic activity

You know that my information blog about Anakratau Activity; https://mybloginfrmtns.blogspot.com/2019/12/precious-locations-based-on-seismology.html Where,we can take a information about volcanic activity locations on relation among black novacentre region as orthogonal with a increment region seismicity by my experiment.Thus,geometric expression maybe will be more clear;

Precious locations based on Seismology of Earth

I evaluate to  maximum seismicity condition  for Alaska Geography by my experiments; Thus,I wonder characteristic locations by orthogonal concept...Thus,My another  reference region; So,I considered to quite weird a seismicity province as Regional Seismicity map referenced. This region can evaluate  as Colombia-Peru-Brasil boundary zone as  ~. Thus,You will conclude  that important intersection points based on Seismic Experiments,important routes and important central locations by quadrant  globe volume.My projection conclusions; You can carry-out to detailed analysis...Only,I realised a fast analysis.Thus, Chad-Niger-Libya Boundary Region Cook Islans Region Riau Islands Region  express as quite focal regions for Seismologist. Also,my identified locations based on latest MeWe seismic sharings; RedSea Event Bandasea Events Busan Event South Korea Event  can express...I express...

My projection based on latest developments

I established a projection based on latest events; Maracay Region,Kunlun Pyroclastic Cone Region,N region of Halmahera,N of NZ into expressed latest seismic events on my MeWe account have to big corelation...Also,intersection points  and centres of quadrant fields with red route are focal areas  XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX And,interested a magnitude event; That that into a big corelation with my red route.Thus,I think that as good information as a pre-alert for my followers  

I continue to detecting for important zones at Turkey region_Niğde Region example

We observe to identified a period of important zones by collision type development for Turkey Region(I presented about Pütürge,Aydın Mountains and Narman events).My another determination is about Niğde Region(Seismic followers evaluate that a selective event at region is subject!!!And,this event by Port Hardy deep opening phenomena is expressing to a "collision axis"); And,I needed to a check of Geologic Structures at Niğde Region; Thus,Your evaluations are true.Indicators show to Ecemiş Fay Zone!!! My block model explanation as a whole by this informations; Among my main aims; A lightning against some question marks for related Geoengineers Informing to related organisations/authorities 

Güllüdağ-NARMAN seismic event interested by magnitude-location relation.Thus,I express to mechanism as cause of event.

Güllüdağ-NARMAN seismic event interested by magnitude-location relation.Thus,I express to mechanism as cause of event.Thus,I aim; informing to related Geoengineer environment about region (I aim a mission as lightening to some question marks)  informing to related authorities/organisations  I observed to condition as effect of a "collision zone" as Port Hardy referenced!!! And next,I wondered to condition  about geologic structure of region; Shortly,movement condition at a fault zone as NE-SW directed thus understanding.And,determination via my block model;  Effected collision phenomena  at 10000 distance environment from Port Hardy region that this time caused to running of "Narman Fault Zone" as a conclusion of  collision phenomena of blocks.I explain to this condition  with presentation Ekrem Erkuş Geophysicist

Aydın Mountains_There are not any mysteries..Reality is explaining

You will remember to block model explanation about Pütürge region into my blogger.Similarly,I express to explanation of a seismic event; Realised seismic events at Germencik location are showing a 10000 distance from Port Hardy Seismic Events!!!   So,you clearly see that Aydın Mountains are summarying to reflection of a collision by two block model .And next,you are knowing as a thermal potential for Germencik location.Thus,we clearly say as conclusion of this block collision as cause of this potential Ekrem Erkuş Geophysicist

Pütürge Seismic Event_Mechanism confirmed by Mathematical-Physics rules

Pütürge Seismic Event(Dec 27,2019) interested for region by Magnitude...Thus,I carried-out a supplementary explanation by Mathematical-Physics rules  about cause of event.Where,my reference point is Port Hardy region(You remember to big seismic events).Conclusion summary; Yes.You are true evaluating...I summaried to movement condition  for transform structure  as conclusion of a "collision effect "at orthogonal route of a "deep opening phenomena" for Port Hardy region.So,transpressional vectoral position with Arabian Plate by two block model is explaining as very good on example.This vectoral position caused to movement of transform structure common explanation of condition for Two Block Model; Citation: Steven Wesnousky_The San Andreas and Walker Lane Fault Systems,Western North America:Transpression,transtension,cumulative slip and the structural evolution of a major transform plate boundary I scanned to some geologic articles about region......

about predicting chapter to Earthquakes based on Superbolt type event(with actual examples)

I expressed about "deep opening phenomena" as Geophysics into my blogger; https://mybloginfrmtns.blogspot.com/2019/12/latest-globe-seismic-conditions-are.html And next,I remembered to condition about superbolt type event; https://www.futurity.org/superbolts-lightning-season-2156332/ Thus,I think as counterpart of collision type regions to mechanism for a superbolt type event.So,a schematic expression for superbolty type event You will evaluate via article that about a big corelation condition among common characteristics of Earthquake Locations with expressed Mollweide projection!!!Thus, you will understand to  equivalent  explanation condition  for Earthquake events as equivalent to schematic explanation of expressed opening-collision mechanism via my first link(So,for example,a Earthquake event for Mediterranean is due to a opening region over a 10000km distance line.Also,you will evaluate by schematic presentation that about atmospheric pressure con...

Latest globe seismic conditions are quite interesting!!!Thus,my projection which establishing as a whole to informations by needs of Geologists&Geophysicists and related persons

latest seismic events for globe are quite interesting...Thus,conclusions of a analysis; My red route is into big corelation with Mandalay,Gansu,Avalon and France region events. Also,I interest for Taoudenni(into Tropic of Cancer),Yakutsk(capital city) Region,S Orkney Islands  as intersection points. Also,I underline of centre provinces of quadrant circles Especially I interest for Popocatépetl; https://youtu.be/4p3zeeBdfco Also,I give to conclusions about locations based on Tropics; Note.Especially last snapshot is selective as  a structure as different by environment!!! I summary  to condition about a mechanism with this experiment; You are right!!!A "deep opening phenomena" .Thus,by quarter concept for North Hemisphere  _Hawaii(i will follow about some conditions) _Philippines(i will follow about some conditions) _Iran(i will follow about some conditions) _Canada-...