
Eylül, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Role on development of Applied Geophysics of GPR Technique

Realised developments on underground application chapters of Radar applications among important points on development as application fields of Geophysics are quite important. GPR systems via considering of extreme high frequencies that causing to establishing of very sharp images as sectional on especially very shallow horizons with data processing softwares. For working principles of GPR studies as base 1)Homogeneity chapters on Target Depth 2)Identifying to Anomaly Zones on Target Depth As summarying... Next,a presentation on this concept maybe more clear; Thus,You will evaluate on some application fields.I prepared a working on using fields; Environmentalgeophysics Archaeogeophysics Forensicgeophysics Agriculturalgeophysics Also,Application fields in Material Quality Inspection studies are important. Note: By the way,some peoples have to definition as fishradar.I especially express that radar systems are not running for extreme conductive w...

Obspy-about Developments

Orfeus as European Infrastructure for Seismic Waveform in European Observating System on AlpArray Initiative is knowing on Seismologic Infrastructure Studies  into European Hinterland. New vision that shortly,expressing as "Synergy" With this aim,widening of organisational structure is basepoint.For this,emphasizing to powerfulness of a "mass approach" on observing of European Hinterland on opensource programming language As a conclusion of efforts in this field,a "Data Network Structure System" on Obspy&Python Programming Capabilities have developed. Shortly,reading on internet network of basedata &carrying-out by user of some data process steps.And next,presenting on some types of some conclusions... So,summarying as "Platform Structure" On earthquake researches,providing to international a "synergy" on ground researches besides earthquake via user networks at hinterland countries for establishing as powerful of inf...

Solution for Cartesian Coordinates as 2D of Laplace Heat Equation

Solution of Laplace Heat Equation that expressing as a important point on various application field to analysis of heat distribution of system on a value for midpoint on established boundary conditions. Solution of Laplace Heat Equation among popular using fields of Finite Different Method maybe can express.Shortly, we will determine heat boundary values as up-low and left-right  Next,as input a midpoint heat value.Finally,completing to mapping of heat distribution A presentation for clear explanation about Principles of Method; Where,chapter based on nxn type is explaining.Next,presented program shortly expressing to area distribution for nxn type; # Simple Numerical Laplace Equation Solution using Finite Difference Method import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set maximum iteration maxIter = 500 # Set Dimension and delta lenX = lenY = 20 #we set it rectangular delta = 1 # Boundary condition Ttop = 150 Tbo...

Some Evaluations on Earth Inner Structure

This working that containing to good explanations with some actual events on Inner Mechanisms of Earth.As first,Some required information sharings;        I)A 3000 Radius Event as Actual       II)Understanding a Inner Core event by patern as Actual