
Kasım, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

MeWe Platform-about latest developments

My MeWe platform followers evaluate that expressed a pre-alert for seismic developments  based on data structures among sharings of Nov 27.And today,I observe >M5.8_Gisborne Trench  >M5.7_Santa Barbara Settlement Province/PHI In the other hand,I sign to information of M3.2_W Gisborne development of eleven days ago as maybe more interesting with Gisborne Trench of 6 days ago Nov 30,Update: >M5.7_NE Miyakojima Ekrem Erkuş Geophysicist/TURKEY

My explanations to needs of some friends referencing last python versions about Gempy

I remember my some explanations about installation matters for Gempy.We can summary hard progress condition for some friends of chapter as Anaconda Navigator and some multi-packages requirements with Pyhton version.At this point,I cite evoluted to more easy conditions of installation matters without Anaconda Navigator with 3.1x versions of Python. Note. Where,I discussed a test referencing Python 3.10 version (needing to this version as minimum for a add module as gempy-viewer). You know that Gempy needs to Pyvista for 3D analysis capabilities(a  nightmare for new friends especially discussing considering one structure of these two modules).But,I must say more easy structure of conditions with new some developments relatively; for gempy; git clone https://github.com/cgre-aachen/gempy.git and,for pyvista; pip install pyvista Answering to you without any add modules!!! Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer/TURKEY

Other example about TEC Mapping

  Required module installations: conda install -c conda-forge iris pip install iris-sample-data Link for input data: https://github.com/SciTools/iris-sample-data/blob/main/iris_sample_data/sample_data/space_weather.nc

M6.1_NE Amami

 Caused some evaluations about big magnitude event minor solar impact information with planetary multigeometric specifications.And,we witness six environment seismic development for NE Amami. Also,understanding via my MeWe platform informations a progress condition referencing last times about Amami region

I express correlation condition to coastal morphologies after seismic event of Warangoi Bay


Some realities after Cuba Transform Zone Seismic Phenomena

  The Septentrional–Orient fault zone (SOFZ) is a system of active coaxial left lateral-moving strike slip faults that runs along the northern side of the island of Hispaniola where Haiti and the Dominican Republic are located and continues along the south of Cuba along the northern margin of the Cayman Trough. The SOFZ shares approximately half of the relative motion between the North American and Caribbean tectonic plates with the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone and Walton fault zone which run along the southern side of Hispaniola and aong the southern margin of the Cayman Trough. Both fault zones terminate at the Mid-Cayman Rise to the west. Some researchers believe that the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone and the SOFZ bound a microplate, dubbed the Gonâve Microplate, a 190,000 km2 (73,000 sq mi) area of the northern Caribbean Plate that is in the process of shearing off the Caribbean Plate and accreting to the North America Plate. In 1766 a devastating earthquake st...