
Ocak, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Phreatomagmatic Eruption News at Epi Volcano

  A new vigorous submarine explosion occurred at the volcano this morning. Judging from available images, it was likely a phreatomagmatic eruption, generating a black dense ash column accompanied by a billowing round-shaped white-to-grey phoenix cloud, i.e. water and magma driven. Significant explosive interaction might be caused by presence of water. Pyroclastic material rose about 100 meters above sea level. Preceded the eruption, local people reported a steam emitting from the submarine volcano, a tell-tale sign of an impending eruption. Based on the increased activity, authorities and the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department (VMGD) raised the level of the volcano to "Orange". The warning bulletin states that ballistic impacts of volcanic bombs, pyroclastic flows and tsunamis could affect an area of about 10 km distance from the main crater. People on Epi and surrounding islands are advised to stay on alert for any large earthquake triggering a possible tsunami. ...

Reported selective differentiation for Globe Seismic Activity


Granada Region Seismic Events

 We can express Granada among most selective regions of Spain by PGA 475.Explanation summarying this condition  for Granada  is movements caused of Telluric Currents.I share an  information as supplementary this; https://elpais.com/ciencia/2021-02-04/el-estremecedor-beso-geologico-que-pone-en-riesgo-sismico-a-14-millones-de-espanoles.html Update: Summary of seismic development related for January of 2021; And,selective condition of region via PGA 475;

Reported selective differentiation for Globe Seismic Activity


Documented Geomagnetic Storm Conditions


Erta Ale volcano (Danakil depression, Ethiopia): significant return of lava lake to northern pit crater after 50 years, both pit craters are active

  After 50 years of calm within the northern pit crater, lava returned to it on 27 January. The expedition leader, geologist and local guide Enku Mulugeta from VolcanoDiscovery Ethiopia has been monitoring the volcano over the past two weeks. A new lava lake started to occupy the crater floor, which is currently hidden from view due to lava. Slabs of dark, solidified crust continue to shift on the lava lake surface accompanied by the typical bright orange lava glow between them. A vigorous lava spattering continues to build a steep-sided spatter cone (also called a hornito currently) above a fissure vent feeding the lava into the bottom of the crater. At present, the full-scale effusive eruption has covered an estimated 350 meters in diameter with a depth of about 15 meters so far. The latest satellite image from Sentinel-2 confirms a strong thermal anomaly affecting the whole crater area. The steep-sided hornito within the southern pit crater continues to build itself protruding f...

Reported selective differentiation for Globe Seismic Activity


True absolutely "some developments" expressed as selective of citizens for this year at Turkey Geography!!!!(I share maps reflecting condition for environment of Lake Van only based on last three years)


Some explanations about Philippine Sea Plate on Individual Seismologic Experiments

I can say Philippine Sea Plate  among regions identified as most selective on individual seismologic experiments of convection type effect.Extension of this effect referencing approximately centre of this plate; Ryukyu Isls Region Ogasawara Region Mariana Isls Region Palau Region E Philippines E Taiwan Ishigaki Isls Community In the other hand,we can express a conclusion of convection effects as activity causes of volcanoes as Suwanosejima. UPDATE: For other selective convection centers affecting to plates discussing this base; Nazca Plate Okhotsk Plate Indian Plate Arabian Plate New Hebrides Plate Caroline Plate Caribbean Plate Scotia Plate Cocos Plate JuandeFuca Plate Aegean Plate Riviera Plate Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer

Reported selective differentiation for Globe Seismic Activity


Analysis Conclusions


Documented Geomagnetic Storm Conditions


Reported selective differentiation for Globe Seismic Activity


Documented Geomagnetic Storm Conditions


Technic problems about Google Earth

  Note.There are technic problems about Google Earth Software despite installing again package... Suspended headlines until solutioning technic problems; >Daily Analysis Conclusions  >Globe Analysis Conclusions Ekrem Erkuş Geophysics Engineer Update 1/30: Solutioned problems👍I will discuss shares as kmz files for two headlines(based on Google Drive Procedure)

Region description on needs of some geoenvs

  For a projection about energy reserves of Kansas State; https://www.google.com/search?q=geologic+reserve+maps+kansas&hl=tr&prmd=imnv&sxsrf=AJOqlzXZHn4aumCHXKEtM-X9PtpVYV-ZEQ:1674039173846&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi58K_y-dD8AhXqRPEDHW2nBhUQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=320&bih=441&dpr=2.25#imgrc=rNX3gljwCDIKlM&imgdii=imy75KucuYkinM

Reported selective differentiation for Globe Seismic Activity


Documented Geomagnetic Storm Conditions


Analysis Conclusions


Reported selective differentiation for Globe Seismic Activity




Analysis Conclusions
