
Nisan, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

A example of .nc file access via url on basemap and contourf procedure"ETOPO5 Topography(Lambert Conformal Conic)&Shaded ETOPO5 Topography(Lambert Conformal Conic) "

I used spyder platform for program with producing .py file at a desktop folder...Some summaries about conclusions with program as a whole;

A mapping application based on .nc file,basemap and contourf procedure

This example will establish clear information summary about mappping application of a .nc file with basemap and contourf procedure.Firstyl,link page for .nc file; And next,condition of file types carried-out into your desktop folder; I compiled for .py file via spyder3 console...Thus,variable explorer summary&map conclusion with program as a whole;



I continue about weird ground regions via this page

https://mybloginfrmtns.blogspot.com/2020/04/i-continue-on-reference-of-this-link.html?m=1 ImportantNote .Especially, Sacramento,Fresno,LasVegas,Reno,CarsonCity and Fernley that extremely selective on Geophysics concept based on  shaking effects  caused  of Seismic Shock Waves!!!Next,I sign about Geologic Source Potential on this regions descripted.  6/6,2020_Seismic developments considered for Searless Valley after longtime...Also,I can summary about shaped of important geologic realities  with evaluation of some shaking news for region.So; Sign to extreme dense patern information of Las Vegas Capital Settlement Region on a reference  of Distance-Magnitude relalation!!!!Expressing as really 'amazing a condition' as Geoph...